Sunday, 3 July 2011

In which the author harbours an imposter, and realizes she may never understand boys...

So, as many people know, Friday was Canada Day.  Apparently whilst abroad, Canada Day becomes much like St Patrick's Day in which everyone is Irish.  On Canada Day, everyone is Canadian for the purposes of hanging out at the Canadian expat bar (and yes, it bore a remarkable resemblance to the Hoser Hut!).  The Canadians on our staff felt duty bound to try and help our Yankee cohorts blend in and avoid detection and subsequent outing as NOT being from the Great White North.  To that end, we had them practice saying pop, not soda and zed, not zee.  When that failed, we equipped them with alternate identities (meet my friend Amy, she's from Moose Jaw!), and disguises:

Unfortunately, when Amy asked some people if "Y'all" were also from Moose Jaw, and Sam identified herself as a "Canook!", their cover weas blown.  Fun times were nevertheless had by all...

On a different note, and to explain the most recent reason I may never understand boys (much less their grown-up male counterparts), I give you exhibit A (below).  My students are learning about captions (though I'm not sure why; it doesn't strike me as nearly as relevant as something of the other things they could be learning, but hey, who asked me?).  In the picture below, the caption was provided and the students had to draw a picture of what the like to do at recess.  After a brief discussion/definition of recess, one of my students drew the picture below.

Apparently, he likes to spy on girls in the bathroom during his recess.  The more things change??

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